Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday Morning with Todd & Grandpa 7/11/09

It's 5:30 a.m. Saturday morning in Show Low....time to go fishing at Fool's Hollow Lake!

"I can hardly wait to get there, Grandpa!"

Todd casts his line in the water and waits for the trout to start biting.....

"When will we start catching fish, Grandpa?"

Even if the fish aren't hungry at the moment, Todd is. But he prefers tortilla chips instead of worms and salmon eggs....

Well, if he can't catch a fish on this side of the dock, he'll try the other side......

While he's waiting for the fish to start biting, Todd notices some giant spider webs on the dock....

"Gosh, we've been here a whole hour and no fish yet. I'm getting kind of bored."

"I think I'll dream about catching some fish....maybe pretend I'm fishing in the clouds...."

"Well, buddy" says Grandpa, "it looks like the fish just aren't biting this morning. How about we
pack up and go to the playground and then to McDonald's?"

Todd takes one last look at the lake..........

On the way back up the hill to the playground, he stops to look at rocks and bugs....

and some dandelions......

and fox tails...........

At the playground, Todd works out on the bars.......

then whishes down the slide.........

Before leaving the playground, Todd pauses to look at more rocks and bugs.......

After pancakes and sausage at McDonald's, Todd and Grandpa stop by the Church to work on
tomorrow's Sacrament Meeting program.....

...and make 30 copies of the program..............

With the Church work done, it's time for some outdoor soccer!

...then some indoor soccer in the cultural hall....

....moving the ball down the field....
Then, before it's time to head home, Todd asks to use Grandpa's camera and shoots the final
10 pictures of this blog post.....


"Doorways to the Kingdom"

"Hallowed Halls"

"My 4th-great grandparents leave Nauvoo"

"The Lord's Living Prophet"

Grandpa on the phone....

Missionaries in the field.....

a photo of the Transformer on my soccer ball....

"Self-Portrait of the Photographer"

That's all, folks! ....See ya' next time. (The end)

1 comment:

  1. Wilkommen to blogging, my friend. I enjoyed reading about your trip to Denmark and your adventures with your grandson (who, incidentally, looks a LOT like my grandson, Jackson). You can look at my blog at
