about anything! But that's enough about me; let's talk about my parents. Aren't they way cute?
See where my cuteness from? But that's enough about us; let's talk about our house. We're
sitting in our living room that overlooks hydrangias, spruce trees, and the blue skies of Everett. But that's enough about the inside of our house. Let's talk about the outside...."
"Do I look happy or what?! I'm way happy because my aunts and uncles and cuzzies and one of my Grandpas are coming to visit me!! Is this way cool or what?! I'd better get dressed up for them...."
HOW-dee, pardner! Hear them KY-yotz?..... Hey, is this a Dunkin' Donuts donut or a KrispyKreamer?....Whatever.... Oh!---I hear a car outside---it must be the cuzzies!!"
"It IS the cuzzies!! HOORAY!! HOORAY!! They came all the way from London and Portland just to see ME! Are we all way lucky or what?!! But wait!---there's someone missing. WHERE'S
"Oh, my gosh! Did you hear what Noah said?"----'Aaurrr!! Begone with ya' matey, or I'll make mince meat of ya' with mi trusty cutlass, I will!! Aaurrr!!'
"Oh, thank goodness my other London cuzzies are not pirates or piratesses! (BTW, I use the terms piratess and piratesses for three reasons: (1) I prefer speaking the King's English; (2) Grandpa told me to say piratess because (3) it makes Annie and my aunties so happy when they hear words like piratess, poetess, executrix, aviatrix....)"
"Oh, my gosh!---it's the (Layland) FAM!.....with the briney deep in the background and my most-favorite-Binky in the foreground. Actually, we're busy posing for a totem pole carving, which you will see later in this series of wonderfully-narrated photos. But one thing you won't
"THERE she is!! My bitty-buddy DID come to see me! HOORAY!! Come on, Tessa, let's have
a picnic in my front yard, ok?".......
on the LAWN----
Oh my gosh!----
ANNIE'S gone!....
(and so is Uncle Brandon and Gabby and Auntie
Joy and Uncle Ty and Rachael and Todd
and Auntie Jeannie and Uncle Brian and
Christina and Nana and Auntie Sandi and
Vanna and Binky and Sparky and Jakey
and Timmy and O-ee and KittyMo and
Bone-sie and Cone-sie and....."
show-off the cool tattoo on the back of his hand. Well, it's not really a tattoo; it's an 'I-already-paid-the-cover-charge-to-get-into-this-nightclub-and-I-can-come-and-go-as-I-please' stamp, not to be confused with a postage stamp which now costs---Hey everybody, let's hit the BEACH!
"Oh, my gosh! Is this the way everyone talks in London?!!"
see in my photos is my Daddy's big Boeing 787. We got to go see it---for real !---on Boeing Family Day. That was WAY fun!!"
"This is my Uncle Benny saying, 'Smile for the camera, Natalie---or I'll have to squeeze your neck even harder!'(Just kidding!! Uncle Benny is nice.)"
"Hey, this reminds me of a scripture!---FAITH...HOPE...and CHARITY...(though it appears "Charity" may be flagging a bit....)."
" Oh, boy!----WOW!!---It's either Peter, Paul, & Mary----or ABB!! (i.e. ABBA minus one)"..
"Hey, lookie!!----either Mary and Peter are multi-instrumental....or Paul just refuses to give up the microphone...."

"Oh, my gosh!!!---It's George Harrison-----BACK FROM THE DEAD !!!!! But Peter, Paul, Mary, ABBA, and George are merely the warm-up acts for YOU-KNOW-WHO!!!!!!!!!------
"After my concerts, I like to relax backstage with my publicist and my manager (At the moment, my manager is in the other room snoring....)"
"Well, this is the morning we take Grandpa to the airport, but before we do, we take him to the Seattle marketplace to show him the sights....."
"And then it's on to---HEY!---something's kind a' fishy around here!!"..............
"See no evil" "Hear no evil" "Smell no evil"
But beach time is over now, gang, so----Hey! I got an idea: Let's go to a Rock concert..YEAH!!"
Russian thingies with potato and cheese in them...pooferooties?...porfavories?...Pavorotties?....
on the pole represents a certain vowel or consonant, which taken together, constitute words and phrases that form a message. For example, this pole reads as follows: 'Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.' Pretty neat, huh? But now it's time to send Grandpa on his way, with a BIG smile"..........